Boring Mayo Clinic Visit

Never. Even though nothing changed this month, I never feel complacent. Forty cycles on the pomalidomide (CC-4047) study are complete, and nothing changed this month, so I could have felt complacent. But I dread the inevitable day that the myeloma figures out how sidestep the pomalidomide - life will change when that happens, maybe not for the worse, there are other treatments, but life will change. Also, I suppose I don't want myeloma's reemergence to be a shock when it happens, and it can't be a shock if I'm always fully aware of the possibility.

Dr RH:

This visit was as routine as any we have. We don't know Dr RH very well, so after the medical stuff was done we chatted a bit, learned a little about each other. We like him - he'll do well for us, replacing Dr KDS, who really is gone now and whom we will miss. We also saw Dr L for a few minutes, a treat.

The Evolution of a Myeloma Recurrence:

With few exceptions, myeloma figures out how to defeat every medication. Maybe now, maybe later, even much later, but it does. I am definitely not a doctor or a biologist or anything of the sort, but I nevertheless have a simpleminded theory about that: Anyway that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. If it were true, what would be the implications? Most important, REMOVE AS MANY CARCINOGENIC INFLUENCES AS POSSIBLE! We should do exactly the same things that we should be doing to PREVENT cancer in the first place: I wrote more about cancer prevention in a previous post. It's how to live.

Gluten-free oatmeal with organic yogurt, organic strawberries, organic pear, pineapple, kiwi, walnuts. Might be some organic blueberries under there too.